Author: expomark

Natural disasters and those caused by human hands are occurring more frequently and with greater intensity today. To help combat these disasters, public organizations and government agencies with responsibility in these areas use data and communications from satellites, such as those provided by Hisdesat in the Observation and SATCOM areas, to be able to plan, mitigate risks and thus manage the efforts of disaster response and recovery.

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Thales Alenia Space in Spain will deploy a Space Edge Computing payload onboard the International Space Station comprising high performance Earth observation sensors along with powerful computing hardware embedding a software development framework. The project aims at providing an on-orbit operational development framework that will enable application developers to easily develop and deploy Earth observation data processing applications through Microsoft’s Azure platform.

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Los laboratorios de ensayos de ALTER dedicados a pequeños satélites acaban de recibir la certificación de cumplimiento de los requisitos de la norma ECSS-Q-ST-20-07C emitida por la Agencia Espacial Europea. ALTER ha adaptado sus instalaciones de ensayo a las exigencias del Nuevo Espacio para ofrecer las actividades necesarias para la puesta en órbita de un pequeño satélite, lo que mejora el tiempo de comercialización, coste, rentabilidad en la fabricación, garantiza la fiabilidad y, en consecuencia, el éxito de la misión.

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ESA has awarded SENER Aeroespacial the AERIAL project to design an unmanned aerial vehicle (or drone) prototype capable of flying in the low density, pressure and temperature of the Martian atmosphere. The drone, which SENER Aeroespacial is developing with Aerdron, will be designed to take off from a platform on the rover, fly around to a range of one kilometer and land back on the rover. The rover would swap out and charge the battery.

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The objective of DRACO, Destructive Re-entry Assessment Container Object is to record the rupture sequence during a destructive re-entry, to better understand the process and improve risk assessment. Deimos is in charge of mission design and management, systems engineering, platform development, ground and user segments, with the Von Karman Institute VKI and RTECH as prime subcontractors and CNES as observer.

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Indra will provide the Norwegian Armed Forces with critical X-band and Ka-band, anchor stations to manage military operations. These nodes will act as a link to the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite constellation, one of the most advanced in the world, offering the highest capacity for high-speed data exchange. Indra is positioned as a leading company ready to deliver certified stations for this constellation shared by several countries.

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GMV GSharp, the safe and precise positioning solution based on satellite navigation technologies (GNSS) from GMV, has been awarded the ‘Smart & Safe’ prize at the 7th edition of the European Automotive Suppliers Association (CLEPA) Innovation Awards. GMV has been participating in various international projects for over 20 years now, using satellite navigation technology in the automotive field and is now starting to apply it successfully to autonomous driving.

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The ICI (Ice-Cloud-Imager), a completely new instrument without any space precedent, has been delivered to Airbus in Friedrichshafen for integration on the MetOp-SG-B satellite for system-level testing. ICI is the first compact and high-resolution scanning radiometric system of its kind. It will improve weather predictions by measuring ice cloud profiles and various precipitation parameters that cannot be extracted with current instruments.

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La empresa española PLD Space ha completado con éxito la primera campaña de calificación de su cohete suborbital, MIURA 1. La compañía vuelve a hacer historia al realizar por primera vez en Europa un ensayo completo de una misión de vuelo de un vehículo espacial integrado. Tras superar todas las pruebas en sus instalaciones de Teruel, el cohete está listo para su primer lanzamiento, que tendrá lugar en los próximos meses desde El Arenosillo (Huelva).

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Abril 2022: la estadounidense Encino Environmental Holdings LLC (EEH) controlada por BP Energy Partners en asociación con EnCap Investments L.P. y Williams cuya filial Encino Environmental Services LLC es una empresa de control de emisiones de Houston, se une al capital de SATLANTIS. Esta asociación fomentará la tecnología de control de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) mediante satélites. La última ronda de financiación de SATLANTIS asciende así a 31M€, impulsando el crecimiento de SATLANTIS LLC (Estados Unidos).

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