Author: expomark

La Feria Internacional de la Defensa y Seguridad (FEINDEF), que va a celebrar su segunda edición los próximos días 3, 4 y 5 de noviembre de 2021 en IFEMA (Madrid), se presenta como el foro de referencia que engloba al sector de Defensa y Seguridad en España, para innovar, cooperar internacionalmente y compartir el conocimiento entre empresas, instituciones, universidades y otros organismos, como respuesta global a la seguridad.Esta segunda edición tendrá lugar en los pabellones 8 y 10 de IFEMA y se centrará en las tecnologías duales como pilar fundamental para el futuro de Europa. Más de 31.000 m2, alrededor…

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DAS Photonics is ending the demonstrator of the RETINA Project which aims to develop several key RF-photonic building blocks, designing, fabricating and testing: multi beam TTD phased array antennas for X band, a photonic integrated beamforming network, novel configuration active X band antenna array and miniaturized space grade components and subsystems. RETINA integrates such building blocks in a test bed proving the suitability of the architecture in a SAR scenario for 64 beams, demonstrating a flexible SAR payload for missions requiring flexible frequency plans, channelization and dynamic coverage operation.

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Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat), a company from the United Arab Emirates, has selected GMV to supply essential ground elements such as the control centre and the flight dynamics system for its sixth satellite, the Thuraya 4-NGS. The project is based on GMV’s vast experience thanks to its line of operational products: Hifly®, FocusSuite® and Flyplan.

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Telespazio Iberian will soon renew the Galileo system user support activities under the operations contract, which it has been providing at the Galileo Service Centre since 2017. Telespazio’s contribution focuses on Galileo adoption, assisting the user community, market analysis and research into new services. This activity is vital given the exponential growth of Galileo usage, which already counts more than two billion devices.

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INSTER’s conference at UNVEX focused on the future evolution of the UAV-Fulmar, which will incorporate new sensors whose data will be integrated into a central unit with artificial intelligence, multiplying the degree of efficiency of the UAV. Among the sensors to be incorporated are the new frontal and panoramic cameras, with lenses specially designed for this platform, a synthetic aperture radar air-to-air and ground-to-air, a radio direction finder, as well as beyond line-of-sight communications using the new LEO satellite constellations.

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The Spanish operator has started a pilot project with Correos to connect those offices located in towns with difficult access to Internet. This pilot will initially be developed in six locations and could be extended to other rural service points with connectivity difficulties. Thanks to this connectivity, the aforementioned offices will be able to join the Correos computerized network and, in this way, improve their efficiency and agility and expand their service offering.

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SENER Aeroespacial is participating in ESA’s Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) mission to monitor the condition of plants from space. SENER Aeroespacial is responsible for the Instrument Optical Module Structure (IOMS) of the FLORIS scientific instrument. The IOMS includes the Optical Bench Assembly (OBA) and the Thermal Hardware (THW). In addition, SENER Aeroespacial in Poland is developing the container to transport FLORIS, which forms part of the Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) for this space mission.

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A key milestone in our transformation process we have launched new workspaces specially designed to provide us with a flexible environment fostering multidisciplinary work, collaboration and exchange. This new lay out with our projects as its core, provides with a more comfortable working environment, allows for optimised ways of working and visibly places the customer at the centre of our daily tasks.

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ARQUIMEA, tecnológica global con más de 18 años de experiencia en espacio, suministra sus actuadores a ClearSpace, para la primera misión para hacer el espacio más sostenible y seguro.En 2025, la ESA lanzará ClearSpace-1 que contará con un sistema con grandes brazos encargado de recoger los elementos abandonados en el espacio. Durante el lanzamiento los brazos del sistema permanecen plegados, pero una vez en órbita se desplegarán gracias a los mecanismos HDRM REACT de ARQUIMEA.

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GTD will carry on with the design, development and qualification of the pioneering on board safety system KASSAV2. Along with Safran, the consortium will build on the progress achieved in Flight Termination Systems (FTS) during KASSAV1 already tested on Ariane 5 flights and will be oriented towards its implementation in the future fleet of European launchers.

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