INSTER will supply Telefónica with new mobile satellite communications terminals for the provision of digital services on...
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SENER Aeroespacial and Rocket Factory Augsburg AG (RFA) have agreed on a launch service contract...
Telespazio Ibérica, together with the company’s French subsidiary, has been accredited by the Institut Géographique National to work on...
Two new satellites of the Galileo programme, were successfully launched on December 5. Since...
DEIMOS participates in three EDIDP projects: SAURON, INTEGRAL and ODIN’S EYE. In SAURON, a project to enhance...
Airbus Crisa has been involved in providing key electronics and software for the Near-InfraRed multi-object SPECtrograph (NIRSpec), one of the instruments delivered...
DAS Photonics is ending the demonstrator of the RETINA Project which aims to develop several key RF-photonic building blocks, designing, fabricating...
Al Yah Satellite Communications Company (Yahsat), a company from the United Arab Emirates, has selected GMV to supply essential ground elements such as...
Telespazio Iberian will soon renew the Galileo system user support activities under the operations contract, which it has been providing at the Galileo Service Centre since 2017...
INSTER’s conference at UNVEX focused on the future evolution of the UAV-Fulmar, which will incorporate new sensors...