The best way to guarantee a stable, instantaneous and universal connectivity is through multi-orbit satellite systems”
Satellite technology, whether for communications or for Earth observation, ensures our wellbeing from hundreds, or even thousands of kilometres away. However, innovative developments are now being aimed not only at a continuous improvement in terms of safety, security and emergency response, but also at a more distant horizon—future Moon settlements.
Better safety and security from space
Few are the tasks that are as important to a government as that of offering a fast and effective response when faced with an emergency situation. Safeguarding the life of its citizens after a natural catastrophe or a deliberate attack must be the highest priority. In order to carry out this important duty, it must not only count with the latest technology available at any given time, but there must also be a constant collaboration between the public administration and the private sector for these developments to be undertaken in a coordinated and efficient manner.
A key element in these situations is counting with stable, reliable and secure communications that allow access to precise and updated information in real-time for all the teams working in emergency situations. At those times, when land-based communications are usually the most vulnerable – since damage to their infrastructure could render them completely inoperative –, satellite communications must guarantee an effective channel to design the response strategy and monitor rescue efforts.
Guaranteeing secure, sovereign communications: IRIS2 and GOVSATCOM
The best way to guarantee a stable, instantaneous and universal connectivity is through multi-orbit satellite systems. This type of solution, in addition to facilitating access to Internet in areas devoid of communication infrastructure, is fundamental when establishing communications – especially video communications. By combining LEO, MEO and GEO technologies, the multi-orbit approach offers the many benefits of each of them, such as low latency and broadcasting across large regions.
This great flexibility would be highly useful both in the civil and the military sector, which is why it is necessary to continue moving towards its implementation until it succeeds in seeing dual use in Europe. Indeed, the European Union’s IRIS2 system is proposed as a multi-orbit project aimed at military and commercial applications, with the main goal of guaranteeing sovereignty through secure communications among EU member countries.
Resilient and robust communications help with the coordination of different supporting teams, especially during the first few steps of a mission, when collecting and conveying the real status of a given situation can lead to changes in the initial plans. As teams take position in the field, communications must be constant and fluid, all the more if different organisations are part of the response efforts.
The interdependence between the various security organisations and forces of a state (or even of several, if the emergency situation affects more than one country) requires that these communications be not just robust – they must also be secure and remain uncompromised either by occasional interferences or by deliberate attacks. In this context, the GOVSATCOM program – one of the five components of the European Union’s space programme – has the objective of providing governments of Member States with resilient communications at these particularly critical moments.
This protected communication channel guarantees access and availability to the different government bodies, both civil and military. But its scope exceeds country borders. If the affected areas are beyond the boundaries of the EU, this coordination will be able to be maintained without depending on geographic barriers, offering the ability to take humanitarian aid to the most remote corners of the planet.

The Spainsat NG I and II satellites will allow our Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies to count with encrypted and secure communications across the world”
PRS service: robustness and security in satellite-based positioning
Once communications are guaranteed both in terms of availability and security, it is necessary to count with positioning capabilities that enable actions to be undertaken with as much precision as possible.
Public Regulated Service (PRS) is a satellite navigation service within the framework of the Galileo System, which is highly secure and resistant to interference. Its development is currently in its late stages, being already operational in a few government organisations. While its full deployment phase begun this year, it is still expected to take some time to be completely online.
Spainsat NG I and II. Spain at the forefront of defence communications
European Union governments are also working hand-in-hand in the development of its own aerospace programs to consolidate the entire region’s strategic autonomy. In the case of Spain, the Spainsat NG I and II satellites are of particular note, which will allow our Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Agencies to count with encrypted and secure communications across the world.
These satellites, with a service life of 15 years, will replace today’s SpainSat and XTAR-EUR and will be put in orbit in the upcoming months. This ambitious project saw the essential participation of our country’s aerospace sector companies, which allowed deadlines to be met as established with full reliability, developing state-of-the-art solutions such as the active antennas that will bestow Spainsat NG with unprecedented operational capabilities.
Sentinel-1A was launched in 2014, followed by Sentinel-1B in 2016, allowing for the globe to be mapped every 12 days”
Copernicus: the European mission to improve the life of its citizens

Sentinel 1
24/7 Earth radar mapping
Sentinel-1 is the first Copernicus mission designed to map the Earth both during day and night time, in any weather. This satellite uses a C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to obtain high-resolution images. The first spacecraft, Sentinel-1A, was launched in 2014, followed by Sentinel-1B in 2016, allowing for the globe to be mapped every 12 days.

The Sentinel-1 radar has the ability to observe complex phenomena such as oil spills in the sea, which are visible as dark spots. It is also used to monitor vessel traffic, providing vital information to the coastguard and law enforcement agencies in real-time.
Moreover, this satellite is essential to map the ice in polar regions – a vital tool for maritime safety in Arctic routes – as well as to determine the direction, wavelength and height of the waves, contributing to weather forecasting.

The use of Sentinel-1 is not limited to the maritime environment. Its data is fundamental in emergency situations such as earthquakes and floods, since it allows for a quick assessment of damages.

Sentinel 2
multispectral images for Earth monitoring
Sentinel-2 is another key mission within Copernicus, tasked with monitoring Earth through the use of high-resolution multispectral images. Each Sentinel-2 satellite (A, B and C) is outfitted with a camera that detects 13 spectral bands, enabling the visualisation and analysis of a few aspects of the Earth’s surface that are hidden to the human eye. Sentinel-2 is crucial for precision agriculture, since it provides data about crop health and assists farmers in optimising the use of fertilisers and water.

From floods to urban planning
With a five-day repeat cycle, the Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B and Sentinel-2C satellites offer a constant view of the Earth surface. Their most noteworthy uses include the monitoring of natural disasters such as wildfires and floods, and urban planning. Moreover, thanks to their multispectral capabilities, they can detect changes in the vegetation, such as the deforested areas of the Cambodian Stung Treng province, providing vital data in the fight against deforestation.
One of the most fascinating applications of Sentinel-2 has been the discovery of penguin colonies in Antarctica thanks to the detection of guano stains on the ice. While the penguins are too small to be visible in the images, their excrement allows scientists to track their distribution and population changes.
In October of 2021, Sentinel-2 detected a new lava flow from the erupting volcano in the Spanish island of La Palma. This image was processed in true colour, using the shortwave infrared channel to highlight the lava flow.

In October of 2021, Sentinel-2 detected a new lava flow from the erupting volcano in the Spanish island of La Palma”

Sentinel 3
Ocean forecasting and environment and climate monitoring
Sentinel-3 expands the Copernicus mission into the observation of the topography and temperature of the Earth’s oceans and the surface. Equipped with an altimeter and a radiometer, Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B measure the height of the ocean surface, as well as the temperature of the oceans and the land, with a precision of up to one kilometre.

Sentinel 5P
Sentinel-5P: air quality and
atmospheric monitoring
Sentinel-5P is a precursor mission of the upcoming Sentinel-5 mission, designed to monitor the gases and aerosols that affect air quality and the climate. This satellite, launched in 2017, fills the data void left behind by the Envisat satellite and provides critical information regarding the concentration of gases such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and ozone.

Sentinel 6
Sea surface height
Sentinel-6 carries a radar altimeter to measure the global sea surface height, mainly for climate and oceanic studies. The first satellite was put in orbit in November, 2020.
Copernicus Sentinel-6 is composed of two identical satellites that are providing almost real-time information about the sea surface height, the height of the waves and the wind speed to support operational oceanography and climate monitoring.
Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5, the near future
The next few years will see the launch of Sentinel-4, enfocado a focused on atmospheric monitoring and integrated into a Meteosat Third Generation Sounder (MTG-S) in geostationary orbit, and Sentinel-5, which will monitor the atmosphere from a polar orbit aboard a MetOp second generation satellite. These missions, along with the continuous development of observation technologies, will guarantee that Copernicus will continue offering vital data for emergency management, agricultural planning and environmental protection.

A connected Moon

As part of Moonlight, efforts are actively being made to establish a true economic ecosystem on the Moon”

Just like on Earth, in Moonlight’s design, communications, navigation and positioning services on the Moon will facilitate innovative applications and developments – the drivers of a sustainable exploration of the Earth’s satellite and of the birth of a lunar economy.
Moreover, Moonlight is being designed in a way that plans for an interoperability with LunaNet – a standard shared by the major international Space agencies – which will guarantee the cooperation between the different service providers.