In late September, NASA carried out the first planetary defense technology demonstration the world has seen with...
Browsing: Nº51
China has completed in November the docking of the Mengtian laboratory to its Tiangong space station, put into orbit in...
Promoting sustainable investments is a political and strategic goal of the European Union, and is aligned with the commitments...
The Council of Ministers has approved an agreement by which the Ministry of Science and Innovation will increase...
Las Regiones Polares tienen una relevancia esencial en el equilibrio del clima global. Debido a sus características de islamiento geográfico,…
Since 2003, she has held the position of full professor of Electronic Technology at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of...
No estamos ante la imagen etérea de un mausoleo olvidado por el tiempo, ni ante unos dedos manchados de hollín…
Jorge Potti, Vice President for Space of TEDAE