Author: expomark

HISPASAT and Ovzon, a Swedish connectivity services company, have extended their agreement to jointly offer the high-capacity portable broadband solution in North America, which has been provided in Europe and Latin America since 2019. This expansion will allow its customers to have a connectivity solution that includes Ovzon T6, the latest generation of Ovzon portable terminals, and the high performance satellite capacity of HISPASAT satellites.

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URDANETA is SATLANTIS’ first proprietary satellite: a full-solution satellite programmed for various value-added Earth Observation applications in areas such as precision agriculture, land mapping, border security, marine/coastal ecosystem, energy and environmental monitoring. By incorporating an iSIM-90 imager (very high resolution) on board a CubeSat sensor bus, it will enhance the end-users’ analytics capabilities. URDANETA is scheduled to fly in June 2022.

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Regarding the payload and the complete satellite, including the CDR elements of the Pacis-3 partnership project with ESA. The reliability of the design and technical capabilities of the Hisdesat satellite system is confirmed and the integration and manufacturing activities of all the flight elements, both of the Eurostar NEO platform and of the payload, begin. SPAINSAT NG satellites guarantee the continuity of secure communications services. Its operational useful life will be 15 years, remaining in service until 2039.

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STAR3 presents at the Spanish Small Satellites International Forum the results obtained in the development of new structural components using additive manufacturing technologies. Within the framework of this project, funded under the ESA GSTP program, TECNALIA has manufactured an optical bench in silicon carbide, a material of high dimensional stability, using the binder jetting process, which is characterized by drastically reducing the lead time of this type of components.

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Thales Alenia Space Agency awarded GTD the contract for the Lunar Gateway’s International Habitat Application Software. The completion of this work will suppose an important milestone in the development of the station with in the framework of future lunar missions. GTD trusts that the exploitation of the Lunar Gateway will stimulate several industries worldwide, encouraging European space competitiveness.

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PLD Space has closed a Series B funding round of €25 million. The operation, led by Arcano Partners, Aciturri and CDTI, brings the total capital raised by PLD Space to more than €45 million and will allow the company to advance in its upcoming milestones of value: the launch of its MIURA 1 suborbital rocket at 2022 from El Arenosillo, MIURA 5 orbital vehicle manufacturing and its launch in 2024 from French Guiana.

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INSTER will supply Telefónica with new mobile satellite communications terminals for the provision of digital services on the railways. The company has a wide portfolio of “communications on the move” for different working bands (X, Ku, Ka and dual bands) and uses (terrestrial, railway and aeronautical). It has also completed important projects for military and civil applications. With this new project, INSTER consolidates its position as a reference company in this field to which it contributes its technological leadership and national content.

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El año 2022 comenzaba con la aprobación, por parte del Consejo de Ministros, de la Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional, el marco de referencia de la Política de Seguridad Nacional, que contempla en su interior la creación de la Agencia Espacial Española.La creación de una agencia espacial nacional es una antigua reclamación del sector y una noticia que ya se adelantó a mediados del año pasado, pero que, con la salida de Pedro Duque, exministro de Ciencia e Investigación, del Gobierno parecía quedar parado. Sin embargo, en la celebración del 2nd Space & Industrial Economy 5.0 Sevilla Virtual Summit en diciembre,…

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La ministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Diana Morant, ha participado en la reunión informal del Consejo de Competitividad de la Unión Europea sobre Espacio, celebrada en Toulouse (Francia), en la que se ha abordado la estrategia común de la UE sobre la gestión del tráfico en el espacio y el desarrollo de una constelación de conectividad segura.Durante su intervención, Morant ha trasladado el compromiso decidido de España de seguir reforzando la ciencia y la innovación en el sector espacial y ha avanzado que, con este fin, el Gobierno español impulsará la creación de una Agencia Espacial Española y el PERTE…

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En enero la NASA anunció el retraso de la primera misión del programa Artemis 1 para llegar a la Luna. Según el comunicado de la agencia estadounidense, los equipos están realizando operaciones para garantizar que el sistema integrado esté listo para lanzar de forma segura la misión no tripulada, en concreto se baraja lanzarla en junio de este año.Dentro de estas operaciones se encuentra, por ejemplo, el ensamblaje de dos partes principales de la etapa central del cohete Space Launch System (SLS), que será enviado a la misión. Inicialmente, el lanzamiento estaba previsto para finales de 2021 y, posteriormente, para…

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