After twenty-six issues, we are ready for a new look. I leave you a last story with images that have a special meaning for me. It has been a real pleasure to share these last ten years with you all.
Mar López Cotarelo
Mar López Cotarelo
Dawn at ‘Gagarin’s Start’
About the image
Cosmódromo de Baikonur (Kazajistán). Tanto el Vostok 1, primer vuelo tripulado de la historia (1961) como anteriormente el Sputnik 1, el primero de todos los vuelos orbitales (1957), fueron lanzados desde la plataforma de lanzamiento Baikonur LC1, conocida como ‘Gagarin’s Start’ en homenaje a Yuri Gagarin.
Credit: NASA/ESA/Mar López.
Apollo 17 Extravehicular Activity

About the image
Montage made from two photograms shot with Apollo 17’s Hasselblad in 1972. Astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt can be seen during the third extravehicular activity of the mission.
Putorana Plateau, Siberia

About the image
Sentinel-2A takes us over the snowy landscape of the Putorana plateau, located about 100Km north of the Arctic Circle in central Siberia. The photographed area shows part of the Putorana State Natural Reserve, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

“The spacecraft will be encountered and the record played only if there are advanced spacefaring civilizations in interstellar space. But the launching of this bottle into the cosmic ocean says something very hopeful about life on this planet”. Carl Sagan
About the image
View of Neptune’s south pole from Voyager 2, as it drifts away towards the stars. August 1989
Credit: NASA/JPL