The ESA/ JAZA BepiColombo mission has captured its first views of its target planet: Mercury. This mission will last seven and a half years during which it will thoroughly study...
DESPITE a last minute incident found by scientists at NASA, the launch is scheduled for December 22, provided that nothing else gets in the way...
EA new edition of the International Space University’s (ISU) “Space Studies Program” (SSP) has been held this summer in Granada, from June 28 to August 27...
The volcano erupted on September 19 at ‘Cumbre Vieja’ (La Palma) and, since then, satellites Sentinel-2 and Paz have been assisting authorities in examining the damages...
The annual AMETIC Seminar “Satellites as a key element for the security and defense of government applications” reached its 13th edition, after its interruption in...
Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 takes images in visible and infrared light, which allows astronomers to see objects through space gas and dust more clearly...
EA new edition of the International Space University’s (ISU) “Space Studies Program” (SSP) has been held this summer in Granada, from June 28 to...