Author: expomark

El presidente del gobierno, Pedro Sánchez, ha reafirmado el compromiso del Ejecutivo con el impulso y desarrollo de la industria Aeroespacial española en las diversas visitas que ha realizado en las últimas semanas a diferentes empresas del sector en Andalucía. En sus declaraciones, Sánchez subrayó el compromiso del Gobierno con el impulso y desarrollo de la industria Aeroespacial española para convertirla en un actor clave de la transformación económica a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.El jefe del Ejecutivo, además, puso en valor el esfuerzo inversor realizado por el Gobierno en el sector Aeroespacial, remarcando el papel fundamental…

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JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, an ESA mission to Jupiter and its icy moons), in which INVENTIA had the opportunity to participate on the manufacturing of flight parts, test Jigs and in the development of various critical MGSEs with high mechanical requirements, such as dummy Walls, necessary for the assembly and integration process of the internal structure SSTS (Structure, Shielding and Thermal control Subsystem) developed by AIRBUS in Madrid. Jupiter, Ganymede, JUICE is on the way!

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El proyecto SAMMBA de GTD presentó sus resultados finales en la conferencia GBSF 2022 en Marsella, que se centró en el desarrollo de servicios modulares de lanzamiento rentables, ágiles y flexibles. El demostrador exhibió sistemas automatizados, inteligencia artificial, virtualización de sistemas de IT y realidad aumentada/virtual para soporte de operaciones. Los servicios de SAMMBA son implementables en varios puertos espaciales y ofrecen un escenario altamente accesible para microlanzadores.

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Just a few weeks ago members of the Orion project from NASA, ESA, Lockheed Martin and Airbus Defence and Space (Bremen) visited Airbus Crisa to thank the TCU team for their contribution to the success of the first Orion mission, Artemis I. Now that they have met the Artemis II crew, Airbus Crisa is looking forward to seeing how their units perform their function as part of the astronaut life support system, one of the key objectives for the next journey of Orion.

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The Delegate for Culture, Tourism and Sports of Madrid City Council, Andrea Levy, and Airbus, through its coordinator for Airbus in Spain, Jorge Caro, have signed a collaboration agreement to carry out joint programmes and activities to promote public access to science, engineering and technology in Madrid and Spain in general, as well as to promote vocations in these areas through lectures, workshops, conferences and exhibitions.

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It is the first direct contract with EUSPA joining the company’s client portfolio. Tecnobit-Grupo Oesía and the branch specialized in secure comms Cipherbit- Grupo Oesía, will design and manufacture twenty serial units of the KTD, which will be certified with double national security accreditation and from a second country. The project is ongoing in the starting phase.

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ALTER TECHNOLOGY has acquired the Germanbased semiconductor and electronics specialists HTV and HTV Conservation. Through this acquisition, ALTER TECHNOLOGY positions itself as one of Europe’s leading semiconductor assembly and test companies (OSAT), offering semiconductor assembly, test and chip programming services in new markets and technologies. In this way, we actively contribute to the resilience of the European semiconductor industry.

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Telespazio firma un convenio para la puesta en marcha del máster dual en Información Geoespacial, pionero en España y que va a ser un título propio de la Universidad de Vigo, con el objetivo hacer frente al crecimiento registrado por la industria geoespacial en los últimos años. El acuerdo permitirá que buena parte de la formación de los alumnos sea de carácter práctico y se desarrolle en empresas del sector, principalmente en Telespazio.

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TECNALIA has recently created a quantum sensor laboratory focused on Nitrogen-vacancy centers. The first result is the CrystalFlaw identification system (patented), which allows the manufacture of labels that, due to their quantum nature, are inviolable and impossible to reproduce. This is a big step in the fight against fraud and counterfeiting of assets that due to their criticality need to be reliable and traceable. Also is developing quantum sensors for advanced inertial navigation systems.

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ARRAKIHS (Analysis of Resolved Remnants of Accreted galaxies as a Key Instrument for Halo Surveys) ha sido seleccionada como la próxima misión de clase F de la ESA para estudiar la materia oscura en el Universo. Rafael Guzmán, investigador CSIC en el IFCA, es el Investigador Principal del consorcio internacional que coordina la misión. El lanzamiento está previsto para 2030 y la tecnología iSIM de SATLANTIS será el instrumento principal: dos cámaras binoculares visibles e infrarrojas. En la imagen, simulación del halo de una de las galaxias que se observarán en la misión ARRAKIHS/Alex Camazón (Consorcio ARRAKIHS).

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