Author: expomark

Deimos lidera uno de los tres consorcios que definirán la próxima misión española de observación de la Tierra, SEOSAT-2, cuyo lanzamiento está previsto para 2026. El equipo, formado por Deimos, Satlantis, Sener y Alter-Technologies, estudiará las opciones que se propondrán a la ESA/CDTI para la selección de la mejor solución técnica de una misión SEOSAT-2. Deimos propone una constelación heterogénea de satélites innovadores, con un programa de desarrollo rápido y flexibilidad sin precedentes para cumplir los requisitos de la misión.

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Thales Alenia Space will develop in Spain the state-of-the-art digital processor for the GEO-KOMPSAT-3 mission, which will provide broadband satellite communications services to governmental users in the Korean peninsula. Core element of the Ka-band flexible broadband communications payload, the fully reprogrammable, software-defined digital processor relies on the PRODIGE product suite of flight-proven flexible digital processors, combining both transparent and regenerative signal processing to maximize the efficient use of the satellite capacity.

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The Copernicus Rapid Mapping Emergency Management service, managed by the consortium led by e-GEOS which Telespazio Ibérica belongs, has contributed to the monitoring of the lava tongue of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma by producing high-precision situational maps every 24 hours to manage the evacuation in an orderly manner. The volcano was monitored through the Sentinel satellites of the European Commission and the COSMO-SkyMed satellites operated by Telespazio.

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Exports its classic + new space mixed design philosophy to Germany and enters the closing-out phase of the project in which it has delivered 19 flight models under complete client’ satisfaction. Each model has two subsystems for microsatellites whose 100% Spanish design it is a mixture of state-of-the-art technology, as well as the most innovative advances.

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ALTER TECHNOLOGY, in collaboration with ESA, will pioneer the evaluation of Blockchain. The assessment will be based on Virtual Lab, a platform through which customers access their tests and data remotely in real-time. The project will implement an auditable layer that allows users to access their data access log independently. The results will be used to continue with the use of Blockchain in subsequent phases.

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El modelo estructural y térmico de la carga útil de la misión SMILE regresó a Airbus España tras completar los ensayos térmicos y de despliegue del boom del instrumento MAG en ESA-ESTEC, Países Bajos. Ahora, se realiza un ensayo mecánico en el centro de Madrid-Barajas y a mediados de marzo se trasladará a China donde se integrará en la plataforma, para completar la calificación del satélite. La ESA seleccionó a Airbus España en julio de 2019 como contratista principal del componente europeo.

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Madrid acogerá entre el 31 de mayo y el 3 de junio en el Círculo de Bellas Artes la 9ª edición del congreso AMICSA, International Workshop on Analogue and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits for Space Applications, de sus siglas en inglés. AMICSA es el foro internacional en el que especialistas e investigadores presentan y discuten los avances recientes en técnicas y tecnologías de diseño de circuitos integrados analógicos y de señal mixta para aplicaciones espaciales.

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GMV is embarking on a strategic project for the operational rollout of the ESA’s new EGS-CC (European Ground System Common Core) infrastructure. GMV will launch a monitoring and control system adopting this infrastructure on the SWARM and Sentinel-6 missions currently in orbit, demonstrating the multimission and multisatellite capabilities of the system. It is a key project in the operational rollout of the EGS-CC as it is its first use in a live in-flight mission.

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SENER Aeroespacial and Gilmour Space are working together on an Autonomous Flight Termination System (AFTS) for the Eris launch vehicle. The AFTS is a smart Hardware/Software unit with autonomous decision-making capability responsible for aborting a flight if any anomaly is identified. The AFTS establishes a new paradigm for launcher operations, being of the highest criticality and built upon SENER Aeroespacial’s experience in NAVIGA, the navigation unit for VEGA-C

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Last January, INVENTIA was visited by the Prime Minister and Getafe’s Mayoress at its Getafe facilities, as a PYME that works in R+D+I projects subsidized by CDTI, with the support of Science & Innovation Ministry, and financed by Next Generation EU funds. Disruptive technologies will be developed for transversal applications in aeronautic & space industry, driven to structural components made by composite materials and to the flexible integration using robotics and advanced automation.

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